Drs. Ricardo Morcos and Angel Aledo-Serrano from the Instituto de Neurociencias Synaptia, Madrid, explore the genetic intricacies of epilepsy. They highlight the role of genetic testing, diverse variants, and the future of personalized therapies in transforming patient care and offering hope for a cure.
In this issue, we're thrilled to delve deeper into the intricate world of genetic epilepsy, offering a comprehensive understanding that can empower your journey. Let's explore the complexities of genetics, the nuances of diagnosis, and the exciting future of epilepsy treatment.
Unraveling Genetic Epilepsy
Epilepsy, a diverse neurological condition, finds its roots in various factors. Genetic elements contribute significantly, accounting for around 60% of cases. These genes can influence critical aspects of brain development, disrupting the intricate balance between neural inhibition and excitability, leading to an increased susceptibility to seizures.
Understanding the types of genetic variants is essential for grasping the intricacies of genetic epilepsy. From single nucleotide variants (SNVs) to structural variants and nucleotide repeat expansions, each variant type can have different effects on gene function. This complexity adds layers to our comprehension of the condition.
Genetic Testing and Diagnosis
Genetic testing emerges as a powerful ally in the diagnosis of epilepsy, particularly for those with an early onset and associated neurodevelopmental challenges. Indications for testing are diverse, including early onset, a family history of epilepsy, or instances of unexplained drug-resistant epilepsy.
Multiple genetic testing methods, such as gene panels and whole-exome sequencing, contribute to identifying different types of genetic variants associated with epilepsy. The interpretation of results is a collaborative effort involving geneticists and neurologists, ensuring a thorough understanding and providing comprehensive counseling for individuals and their families.
Treatment and Future Directions
The discovery of a genetic basis for epilepsy opens new avenues for tailored treatment strategies. Approximately 30-40% of cases can benefit from personalized approaches. Treatment decisions are increasingly influenced by the functional impact of the specific genetic variants. For instance, certain anti-seizure medications are selected based on the affected gene, showcasing the potential for precision medicine in epilepsy care.
Excitingly, the future holds promising therapeutic approaches, including gene delivery and editing. While not yet integrated into routine clinical practice, these "gene therapies" promise to revolutionize epilepsy treatment, offering the potential to alter the trajectory of the disease.
In Conclusion
Understanding the genetic facets of epilepsy represents a paradigm shift in our comprehension of the condition. Genetic testing stands out as a pivotal step in the diagnosis journey, providing valuable information that shapes various aspects of care. As personalized therapies advance, the epilepsy community can look forward to a brighter and more tailored future in the treatment landscape.
Remember, you are not alone. Your strength and resilience inspire us all.
Kind Regards from Madrid,
Ricardo Morcos, MD and Angel Aledo-Serrano, MD, PhD.
Instituto de Neurociencias Synaptia, Madrid, Spain.
Key bibliography:
.Beltrán-Corbellini Á, Aledo-Serrano Á, et al. (2022) Epilepsy Genetics and Precision Medicine in Adults: A New Landscape for Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies. Front. Neurol. 13:777115.
.Krey, I.,Platzer, K., et al (2022). Current practice in diagnostic genetic testing of the epilepsies. Epileptic disorders: international epilepsy journal with videotape, 24(5), 765–786.
.Pickrell, W.O., & Fry, A. E. (2023). Epilepsy genetics: a practical guide for adult neurologists. Practical neurology, 23(2), 111–119.
.Morcos, R., Aledo-Serrano, A. (2024). Genetic Epilepsy. In: Mohamed, E. (eds) Handbook of Neurodegenerative Disorders. Springer, Singapore.
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